
Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Seputar Perpustakaan digital berbasis Winisis

Building digital library with WINISIS

22-05-2007 (New Delhi)
The Thapar University in Patiala, India, hosted a workshop on WINISIS, which was organized from 14 to 18 May 2007 in collaboration with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India and the UNESCO Office in New Delhi.
The ISIS for Windows (WINISIS) plays an important role for automation of library operations in developing countries like India because of its easy-to-use features, convenient availability, negligible cost of implementation, continuous development and support from UNESCO, and a large user community. Recent developments in WINISIS, such as web-enabled interface, tools for data conversions into bibliographic standards and handling of digital documents, have made it a potential tool for development and management of digital libraries.
Due to fast expansion of higher education in India in the recent years, a large number of new and established institutions are embarking upon implementation of ICT for provision of library and information services. There is also increasing interest among information professionals to use open source information processing tools, such as WINISIS, Greenstone, DSpace, EPrint, etc. However, limited training opportunities in non-metropolis are an impediment to the spread of these tools. About 30 informational professionals and 5 trainers were trained during the workshop at Thapar University, which attempted to fulfil this need of library and information community.

The objective of the workshop was to equip existing and potential users of WINISIS with skills in the advanced features of the software, such as hyper-linking, web interfacing, full-text document processing and exchange of data.

The format of the workshop was designed to offer a flexible learning environment that included lecture demonstration, group activities, visits/access to library databases for live demonstration and extensive practical training. WINISIS and other supporting products were distributed to the participants.
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